Sunday, December 17, 2006


My next post will contain a bike related picture. I swear. But I had to show off the cool Santa.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

I really have been meaning to post

I've been meaning to update this thing, but never seem to get the chance.

Gina and I went for a ride on the paved trails last Sunday while her mom watched Chris. It was a nice day. The trails were icey and sketchy, but it was still nice to get out and ride. It was only the second time that Gina and I rode together since Chris was born. Not counting the 2 'cross races I did.

I think Chris is going to skip the whole crawling thing and just go to walking. He shows no interest in moving when we put him on his belly. However, if I hold him to help him stand, he's all over the place. He's going to be a handful.

Still need to do a bunch of X-mas shopping. I'm really slacking off. The plan is to get some time on the bike after the holidays. I really need it bad. I suck.

We had our group Christmas party last night. We went and played some pool after work and then headed off to the United Center to watch the Bulls beat the Bucks. It was a pretty good time and it was Gina's first Bulls game. I may have spoiled her since we had a skybox. The seats in the box were awesome and there was tons of food. The desserts ruled too.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

I'd post something, but I have nothing to say.

Congrats Randy and Erica. Hope Tess is home in your arms soon.

Gina is racing cross tomorrow, well I guess it's technically today. I've been sick lately and haven't completely gotten better. Besides that and the fact that is will be 20 degrees, I'm not racing. I might do a little Christmas shopping for Gina.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Google Blog

I have changed my blog over to the google blog. It makes editing links and stuff much easier. Just an fyi.

I found a cool video to post, but didn't get around to it. Hopefully I find it again and will add it.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Monday, November 13, 2006

Not Very Exciting

Raced 'cross on Sunday. Rode the singlespeed stumpjumper. It was hard. Rather than race myself into some sort of shape, I think I'm going to race myself into the cardiac unit of a hospital.

Couple of times I felt I cleaned the barriers pretty well. Other times, not so well. Still haven't tripped over them yet. Sure that will happen eventually.

Pretty big turn out again for the 4's. They need to add more races to that schedule. I was nice to race in the city. It was warm in my driveway before the race. Thought I might be racing in shorts. I was actually really cold at the course. No way in hell was I racing in short. It took about a lap an a half to get into a good rythem. Guess I wasn't warmed up enough or I cooled off too much watching the end of Gina's race.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Alright, Alright.

I didn't race this weekend. Got some stuff done around the house on Sunday and got a little extra sleep.

I guess I'm a sissy. But one in a better mood than before. I also went for a short run Sunday evening after watching most of the Bear's, I mean, Dolphin's game with Christopher. Felt like I was running in cement shoes. I need to get out more.